Habits, Why They are Important?

By Dustin Lindgren

When we take a more in-depth look at our day-to-day routines, we can pin point tasks that we feel the need to complete every day. These routines are also known as habits, and these things called habits can shape and mold our daily living more than you think. Some examples of healthy habits could include; Going to the gym, eating right, making your bed, brushing your teeth, and checking emails as soon as you get to your place of work. With developing these tendencies, they gives us an “itch“ when they’re not completed. Once the task is completed, we are awarded with “feel good” chemicals that are released in our brain.

As we continue to repeat these actions more and more, they turn into habits. The habit then turns from a decision made to second nature.

Habits are great for providing structure in our lives, but what happens when the habit tends to hinder our quality of life? The first step is having self-awareness and noticing when a habit has a negative impact in our lives. If a bad habit is formed, one strategy to get rid of this bad habit is to replace it with another one. A great example would be sleeping in, I’m guilty of this myself. I became aware that this was affecting my life negatively, so what did I do? I went and bought the biggest alarm clock I could find and I set the clock all the way across my room. This way I am forced to actually get out of bed, and this triggers a positive response for me.

Don’t know where to start to develop healthy habits? Start with something small. Making your bed in the morning is a perfect example of a healthy habit. Habits don’t have to be overwhelming tasks. Displaying consistency is the principal. 

When looking to create a new routine, be mindful of what it is you’re looking to change. Choose something that is going to make the biggest impact in your daily living. Choose something that works for you and make time to put it into your schedule. By prioritizing the habit, it becomes important to your daily routine. 

Creating a means of fulfillment is also an awesome way to stay motivated. After completing your habit that you have chosen, reward yourself. Take pride, step back and look at what you accomplished. Allow yourself to be your own hype man.

Find someone or something that is going to keep you accountable. The more support the more you create stronger connections to your tendencies. Gym partners are a great way to stay accountable, especially to each other. 

Your life is what you make it. By creating structure and forming healthy habits, you are well on your way to taking control and striving for that better quality of life.

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Alex Kain

Owner / Head Coach / Personal Trainer

Alex Kain is the owner and started A1 Health and Fitness back in 2014. He has always been an athlete and competitor, however he discovered early in life he really enjoyed coaching. He began coaching in High School and has coached Diving, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Nutrition, and Fitness the last 27 years. He has always enjoyed watching people succeed and lead healthy lives. Outside of the gym Alex loves travelling with his wife Jen and spending time with her and their 2 dogs.

Alex used to work at Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa as an Exercise Physiologist in Cardiac Rehab. After about 2 years of working with clients who didn’t want to help themselves and wanted to take another pill to make their problems go away he realized he wanted to work with a more proactive community. This is what inspired him to open A1 Health and Fitness. He wanted to help people lose weight, get stronger, get off their medication, have their clothes fit better, gain confidence, and look better in the mirror.

When it comes to your health and fitness and wanting to make a change someone really should be all in. It takes more than just exercise, it takes more than just nutrition, for a lot of us it takes some help and accountability. Everyone needs a coach in some aspect of their life.

If you want to make a change and want to see success, then A1 has a proven method that has helped so many clients throughout the years. We will give you the right exercise to build strength, lift safely, the right nutrition to build muscle while losing fat at the same time, and the accountability to help when we are feeling defeated or want to give up. A lot of us have gone through the roller coaster of gaining weight, losing weight and then turning around to gain it all back again. A1 will help you break that cycle once and for all.


  • C.S.C.S.
  • CrossFit Level 2
  • USAW Level 2
  • Working Against Gravity
  • Nutrition Coach
  • Precision Nutrition L1
  • Nutrition Coach
  • B.S. Secondary Education
  • M.S. Exercise Physiology